path: root/src/logic/linkcmd/slbt_linkcmd_deps.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/logic/linkcmd/slbt_linkcmd_deps.c')
1 files changed, 788 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/logic/linkcmd/slbt_linkcmd_deps.c b/src/logic/linkcmd/slbt_linkcmd_deps.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19ed716
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/logic/linkcmd/slbt_linkcmd_deps.c
@@ -0,0 +1,788 @@
+/* slibtool: a strong libtool implementation, written in C */
+/* Copyright (C) 2016--2024 SysDeer Technologies, LLC */
+/* Released under the Standard MIT License; see COPYING.SLIBTOOL. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <slibtool/slibtool.h>
+#include "slibtool_driver_impl.h"
+#include "slibtool_errinfo_impl.h"
+#include "slibtool_linkcmd_impl.h"
+#include "slibtool_mapfile_impl.h"
+#include "slibtool_metafile_impl.h"
+#include "slibtool_realpath_impl.h"
+#include "slibtool_snprintf_impl.h"
+#include "slibtool_visibility_impl.h"
+slbt_hidden int slbt_get_deps_meta(
+ const struct slbt_driver_ctx * dctx,
+ char * libfilename,
+ int fexternal,
+ struct slbt_deps_meta * depsmeta)
+ int fdcwd;
+ char * ch;
+ char * cap;
+ char * base;
+ size_t libexlen;
+ struct stat st;
+ struct slbt_map_info * mapinfo;
+ char depfile[PATH_MAX];
+ /* fdcwd */
+ fdcwd = slbt_driver_fdcwd(dctx);
+ /* -rpath */
+ if (slbt_snprintf(depfile,sizeof(depfile),
+ "%s.slibtool.rpath",
+ libfilename) < 0)
+ return SLBT_BUFFER_ERROR(dctx);
+ /* -Wl,%s */
+ if (!fstatat(fdcwd,depfile,&st,AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW)) {
+ depsmeta->infolen += st.st_size + 4;
+ depsmeta->infolen++;
+ }
+ /* .deps */
+ if (slbt_snprintf(depfile,sizeof(depfile),
+ "%s.slibtool.deps",
+ libfilename) < 0)
+ return SLBT_BUFFER_ERROR(dctx);
+ /* mapinfo */
+ if (!(mapinfo = slbt_map_file(fdcwd,depfile,SLBT_MAP_INPUT)))
+ return (fexternal && (errno == ENOENT))
+ ? 0 : SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,depfile);
+ /* copied length */
+ depsmeta->infolen += mapinfo->size;
+ depsmeta->infolen++;
+ /* libexlen */
+ libexlen = (base = strrchr(libfilename,'/'))
+ ? strlen(depfile) + 2 + (base - libfilename)
+ : strlen(depfile) + 2;
+ /* iterate */
+ ch = mapinfo->addr;
+ cap = mapinfo->cap;
+ for (; ch<cap; ) {
+ if (*ch++ == '\n') {
+ depsmeta->infolen += libexlen;
+ depsmeta->depscnt++;
+ }
+ }
+ slbt_unmap_file(mapinfo);
+ return 0;
+static int slbt_exec_link_normalize_dep_file(
+ const struct slbt_driver_ctx * dctx,
+ int deps,
+ char (*depfile)[PATH_MAX])
+ int ret;
+ int fdcwd;
+ int fdtgt;
+ char * dot;
+ char * slash;
+ const char * base;
+ const char * mark;
+ struct slbt_txtfile_ctx * tctx;
+ const char ** pline;
+ char * tgtmark;
+ char * depmark;
+ char * relmark;
+ char * tgtnext;
+ char * depnext;
+ char tgtdir [PATH_MAX];
+ char tgtpath [PATH_MAX];
+ char deppath [PATH_MAX];
+ char pathbuf [PATH_MAX];
+ char depsbuf [PATH_MAX];
+ char basebuf [PATH_MAX];
+ char relapath[PATH_MAX];
+ /* fdcwd */
+ fdcwd = slbt_driver_fdcwd(dctx);
+ /* first-pass dependency file */
+ if (slbt_impl_get_txtfile_ctx(dctx,*depfile,deps,&tctx) < 0)
+ return SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx);
+ /* second-pass dependency file */
+ dot = strrchr(*depfile,'.');
+ strcpy(dot,".tmp2");
+ if ((deps = openat(fdcwd,*depfile,O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC,0644)) < 0) {
+ slbt_lib_free_txtfile_ctx(tctx);
+ return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,depfile);
+ }
+ /* fdtgt */
+ strcpy(tgtdir,*depfile);
+ if (!(slash = strrchr(tgtdir,'/')))
+ slash = tgtdir;
+ slash[0] = '\0';
+ if ((slash = strrchr(tgtdir,'/'))) {
+ slash[0] = '\0';
+ slash++;
+ } else {
+ slash = tgtdir;
+ slash[0] = '.';
+ slash[1] = '/';
+ slash[2] = '\0';
+ }
+ if ((slash > tgtdir) && strcmp(slash,".libs")) {
+ close(deps);
+ slbt_lib_free_txtfile_ctx(tctx);
+ dctx,
+ }
+ if ((fdtgt = openat(fdcwd,tgtdir,O_DIRECTORY|O_CLOEXEC,0)) < 0) {
+ close(deps);
+ slbt_lib_free_txtfile_ctx(tctx);
+ dctx,
+ }
+ if (slbt_realpath(fdcwd,tgtdir,0,tgtpath,sizeof(tgtpath)) < 0) {
+ close(fdtgt);
+ close(deps);
+ slbt_lib_free_txtfile_ctx(tctx);
+ dctx,
+ }
+ strcpy(pathbuf,tgtpath);
+ /* normalize dependency lines as needed */
+ for (pline=tctx->txtlinev; *pline; pline++) {
+ if ((mark = *pline)) {
+ if ((mark[0] == '-') && (mark[1] == 'L')) {
+ mark = &mark[2];
+ base = 0;
+ } else if ((mark[0] == ':') && (mark[1] == ':')) {
+ mark = &mark[2];
+ base = mark;
+ }
+ if ((mark > *pline) && (mark[0] == '/'))
+ mark = *pline;
+ }
+ if (mark > *pline) {
+ if (slbt_realpath(
+ fdtgt,mark,0,deppath,
+ sizeof(deppath)) < 0)
+ mark = *pline;
+ else if ((tgtpath[0] != '/') || (deppath[0] != '/'))
+ mark = 0;
+ else
+ strcpy(depsbuf,deppath);
+ if ((mark > *pline) && base) {
+ slash = strrchr(deppath,'/');
+ *slash = '\0';
+ slash = strrchr(deppath,'/');
+ *slash = '\0';
+ base = basebuf;
+ slash = &depsbuf[slash - deppath];
+ strcpy(basebuf,++slash);
+ strcpy(depsbuf,deppath);
+ }
+ }
+ if (mark > *pline) {
+ tgtmark = tgtpath;
+ depmark = deppath;
+ tgtnext = strchr(tgtmark,'/');
+ depnext = strchr(depmark,'/');
+ while (tgtnext && depnext) {
+ *tgtnext = '\0';
+ *depnext = '\0';
+ if (strcmp(tgtmark,depmark)) {
+ tgtnext = 0;
+ depnext = 0;
+ } else {
+ tgtmark = &tgtnext[1];
+ depmark = &depnext[1];
+ if (*tgtmark && *depmark) {
+ tgtnext = strchr(tgtmark,'/');
+ depnext = strchr(depmark,'/');
+ } else {
+ tgtnext = 0;
+ depnext = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ strcpy(tgtmark,&pathbuf[tgtmark-tgtpath]);
+ strcpy(depmark,&depsbuf[depmark-deppath]);
+ if ((tgtmark - tgtpath) == (depmark - deppath)) {
+ mark = &depmark[strlen(tgtmark)];
+ if ((mark[0] == '/') && !strncmp(tgtmark,depmark,mark-depmark))
+ sprintf(relapath,"-L.%s",mark);
+ else
+ mark = relapath;
+ } else {
+ mark = relapath;
+ }
+ if (mark == relapath) {
+ relmark = relapath;
+ relmark += sprintf(relapath,"-L../");
+ while ((tgtnext = strchr(tgtmark,'/'))) {
+ tgtmark = &tgtnext[1];
+ relmark += sprintf(relmark,"../");
+ }
+ strcpy(relmark,depmark);
+ }
+ if (base) {
+ relapath[0] = ':';
+ relapath[1] = ':';
+ }
+ mark = relapath;
+ }
+ if ((mark == relapath) && base) {
+ ret = slbt_dprintf(deps,"%s/%s\n",mark,base);
+ } else if (mark) {
+ ret = slbt_dprintf(deps,"%s\n",mark);
+ } else {
+ ret = (-1);
+ }
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ close(deps);
+ close(fdtgt);
+ slbt_lib_free_txtfile_ctx(tctx);
+ return mark
+ }
+ if (mark == relapath)
+ strcpy(tgtpath,pathbuf);
+ }
+ close(fdtgt);
+ slbt_lib_free_txtfile_ctx(tctx);
+ return deps;
+static int slbt_exec_link_compact_dep_file(
+ const struct slbt_driver_ctx * dctx,
+ int deps,
+ char (*depfile)[PATH_MAX])
+ int fdcwd;
+ struct slbt_txtfile_ctx * tctx;
+ const char ** pline;
+ const char ** pcomp;
+ const char * depline;
+ char * dot;
+ /* fdcwd */
+ fdcwd = slbt_driver_fdcwd(dctx);
+ /* second-pass dependency file */
+ if (slbt_impl_get_txtfile_ctx(dctx,*depfile,deps,&tctx) < 0)
+ return SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx);
+ /* second-pass dependency file */
+ dot = strrchr(*depfile,'.');
+ dot[0] = '\0';
+ if ((deps = openat(fdcwd,*depfile,O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC,0644)) < 0) {
+ slbt_lib_free_txtfile_ctx(tctx);
+ return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,depfile);
+ }
+ /* iterate, only write unique entries */
+ for (pline=tctx->txtlinev; *pline; pline++) {
+ depline = *pline;
+ if ((depline[0] == '-') && (depline[1] == 'L'))
+ for (pcomp=tctx->txtlinev; depline && pcomp<pline; pcomp++)
+ if (!strcmp(*pcomp,depline))
+ depline = 0;
+ if (depline && (slbt_dprintf(deps,"%s\n",depline) < 0)) {
+ close(deps);
+ slbt_lib_free_txtfile_ctx(tctx);
+ return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,0);
+ }
+ }
+ slbt_lib_free_txtfile_ctx(tctx);
+ return deps;
+static bool slbt_archive_is_convenience_library(int fdcwd, const char * arpath)
+ int fd;
+ char laipath[PATH_MAX];
+ char * dot;
+ strcpy(laipath,arpath);
+ dot = strrchr(laipath,'.');
+ strcpy(dot,".lai");
+ if ((fd = openat(fdcwd,laipath,O_RDONLY,0)) >= 0) {
+ close(fd);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+slbt_hidden int slbt_exec_link_create_dep_file(
+ const struct slbt_driver_ctx * dctx,
+ struct slbt_exec_ctx * ectx,
+ char ** altv,
+ const char * libfilename,
+ bool farchive)
+ int ret;
+ int deps;
+ int fdtmp;
+ int slen;
+ int fdcwd;
+ char ** parg;
+ char * popt;
+ char * plib;
+ char * path;
+ char * mark;
+ char * base;
+ size_t size;
+ bool fdep;
+ char deplib [PATH_MAX];
+ char deppref[PATH_MAX];
+ char reladir[PATH_MAX];
+ char depfile[PATH_MAX];
+ char pathbuf[PATH_MAX];
+ struct stat st;
+ int ldepth;
+ int fardep;
+ int fdyndep;
+ struct slbt_map_info * mapinfo;
+ bool is_reladir;
+ /* fdcwd */
+ fdcwd = slbt_driver_fdcwd(dctx);
+ /* depfile */
+ if (slbt_snprintf(depfile,sizeof(depfile),
+ "%s.slibtool.deps.tmp1",
+ libfilename) < 0)
+ return SLBT_BUFFER_ERROR(dctx);
+ strcpy(pathbuf,depfile);
+ /* dependency prefix */
+ if (depfile[0] == '/') {
+ deppref[0] = '\0';
+ } else {
+ if ((mark = strrchr(depfile,'/')))
+ *mark = 0;
+ if (!mark)
+ mark = depfile;
+ if (slbt_realpath(fdcwd,depfile,0,reladir,sizeof(reladir)) < 0)
+ return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,0);
+ if (slbt_realpath(fdcwd,"./",0,deppref,sizeof(deppref)) < 0)
+ return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,0);
+ if (mark > depfile)
+ *mark = '/';
+ mark = &reladir[strlen(deppref)];
+ *mark++ = '\0';
+ if (strcmp(reladir,deppref))
+ dctx,
+ if ((base = strrchr(mark,'/')))
+ base++;
+ if (!base)
+ base = mark;
+ if (strcmp(base,".libs"))
+ dctx,
+ base = mark;
+ mark = deppref;
+ for (; base; ) {
+ if ((base = strchr(base,'/'))) {
+ mark += sprintf(mark,"../");
+ base++;
+ }
+ }
+ *mark = '\0';
+ }
+ /* deps */
+ if ((deps = openat(fdcwd,depfile,O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC,0644)) < 0)
+ return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,depfile);
+ /* informational header */
+ if (slbt_realpath(fdcwd,"./",0,reladir,sizeof(reladir)) < 0)
+ return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,0);
+ if (slbt_dprintf(deps,
+ "# makefile target: %s\n"
+ "# slibtool target: %s\n"
+ "# cprocess fdcwd: %s\n",
+ dctx->cctx->output,
+ libfilename,
+ reladir) < 0)
+ return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,0);
+ fdep = 0;
+ /* iterate */
+ for (parg=altv; *parg; parg++) {
+ popt = 0;
+ plib = 0;
+ path = 0;
+ mapinfo = 0;
+ if (!strncmp(*parg,"-l",2)) {
+ if (fdep) {
+ if (slbt_dprintf(
+ deps,
+ "#\n# makefile target: %s\n",
+ dctx->cctx->output) < 0)
+ return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,0);
+ fdep = false;
+ }
+ popt = *parg;
+ plib = popt + 2;
+ } else if (!strncmp(*parg,"-L",2)) {
+ if (fdep) {
+ if (slbt_dprintf(
+ deps,
+ "#\n# makefile target: %s\n",
+ dctx->cctx->output) < 0)
+ return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,0);
+ fdep = false;
+ }
+ popt = *parg;
+ path = popt + 2;
+ } else if (!strncmp(*parg,"-f",2)) {
+ (void)0;
+ } else if ((popt = strrchr(*parg,'.')) && !strcmp(popt,".la")) {
+ /* import dependency list */
+ fdep = true;
+ if ((base = strrchr(*parg,'/')))
+ base++;
+ else
+ base = *parg;
+ /* [relative .la directory] */
+ if (base > *parg) {
+ slen = slbt_snprintf(
+ reladir,
+ sizeof(reladir),
+ "%s",*parg);
+ if (slen < 0) {
+ close(deps);
+ return SLBT_BUFFER_ERROR(dctx);
+ }
+ is_reladir = true;
+ reladir[base - *parg - 1] = 0;
+ } else {
+ is_reladir = false;
+ reladir[0] = '.';
+ reladir[1] = 0;
+ }
+ /* dynamic library dependency? */
+ strcpy(depfile,*parg);
+ mark = depfile + (base - *parg);
+ size = sizeof(depfile) - (base - *parg);
+ slen = slbt_snprintf(mark,size,".libs/%s",base);
+ if (slen < 0) {
+ close(deps);
+ return SLBT_BUFFER_ERROR(dctx);
+ }
+ mark = strrchr(mark,'.');
+ strcpy(mark,dctx->cctx->settings.dsosuffix);
+ fardep = 0;
+ fdyndep = !fstatat(fdcwd,depfile,&st,0);
+ if (fdyndep && farchive) {
+ mark = strrchr(mark,'.');
+ strcpy(mark,dctx->cctx->settings.arsuffix);
+ if (fstatat(fdcwd,depfile,&st,0) < 0) {
+ strcpy(mark,dctx->cctx->settings.dsosuffix);
+ } else {
+ fdyndep = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* [-L... as needed] */
+ if (fdyndep && (ectx->ldirdepth >= 0)) {
+ if (slbt_dprintf(deps,"-L") < 0) {
+ close(deps);
+ return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,0);
+ }
+ for (ldepth=ectx->ldirdepth; ldepth; ldepth--) {
+ if (slbt_dprintf(deps,"../") < 0) {
+ close(deps);
+ return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,0);
+ }
+ }
+ if (slbt_dprintf(deps,"%s%s.libs\n",
+ (is_reladir ? reladir : ""),
+ (is_reladir ? "/" : "")) < 0) {
+ close(deps);
+ return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,0);
+ }
+ }
+ /* -ldeplib */
+ if (fdyndep) {
+ *popt = 0;
+ mark = base;
+ mark += strlen(dctx->cctx->settings.dsoprefix);
+ if (slbt_dprintf(deps,"-l%s\n",mark) < 0) {
+ close(deps);
+ return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,0);
+ }
+ *popt = '.';
+ } else {
+ strcpy(depfile,*parg);
+ slbt_adjust_wrapper_argument(
+ depfile,true,
+ dctx->cctx->settings.arsuffix);
+ fardep = farchive;
+ fardep |= !slbt_archive_is_convenience_library(fdcwd,depfile);
+ }
+ if (fardep) {
+ if (slbt_dprintf(deps,"::") < 0) {
+ close(deps);
+ return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,0);
+ }
+ for (ldepth=ectx->ldirdepth; ldepth; ldepth--) {
+ if (slbt_dprintf(deps,"../") < 0) {
+ close(deps);
+ return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,0);
+ }
+ }
+ if (ectx->ldirdepth >= 0) {
+ if (slbt_dprintf(deps,"%s\n",depfile) < 0) {
+ close(deps);
+ return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,0);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (slbt_dprintf(deps,"::./%s\n",depfile) < 0) {
+ close(deps);
+ return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* [open dependency list] */
+ strcpy(depfile,*parg);
+ mark = depfile + (base - *parg);
+ size = sizeof(depfile) - (base - *parg);
+ slen = slbt_snprintf(mark,size,".libs/%s",base);
+ if (slen < 0) {
+ close(deps);
+ return SLBT_BUFFER_ERROR(dctx);
+ }
+ mapinfo = 0;
+ mark = strrchr(mark,'.');
+ size = sizeof(depfile) - (mark - depfile);
+ if (!fardep) {
+ slen = slbt_snprintf(mark,size,
+ "%s.slibtool.deps",
+ dctx->cctx->settings.dsosuffix);
+ if (slen < 0) {
+ close(deps);
+ return SLBT_BUFFER_ERROR(dctx);
+ }
+ mapinfo = slbt_map_file(
+ fdcwd,depfile,
+ if (!mapinfo && (errno != ENOENT)) {
+ close(deps);
+ return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,0);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!mapinfo) {
+ slen = slbt_snprintf(mark,size,
+ ".a.slibtool.deps");
+ if (slen < 0) {
+ close(deps);
+ return SLBT_BUFFER_ERROR(dctx);
+ }
+ mapinfo = slbt_map_file(
+ fdcwd,depfile,
+ if (!mapinfo) {
+ strcpy(mark,".a.disabled");
+ if (fstatat(fdcwd,depfile,&st,AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW)) {
+ close(deps);
+ return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,depfile);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* [-l... as needed] */
+ while (mapinfo && (mapinfo->mark < mapinfo->cap)) {
+ ret = slbt_mapped_readline(
+ dctx,mapinfo,
+ deplib,sizeof(deplib));
+ if (ret) {
+ close(deps);
+ return SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx);
+ }
+ if ((deplib[0] == '-') && (deplib[1] == 'L') && (deplib[2] != '/')) {
+ ret = slbt_dprintf(
+ deps,"-L%s%s/%s",
+ deppref,reladir,&deplib[2]);
+ } else if ((deplib[0] == ':') && (deplib[1] == ':') && (deplib[2] != '/')) {
+ ret = slbt_dprintf(
+ deps,"::%s%s/%s",
+ deppref,reladir,&deplib[2]);
+ } else {
+ ret = slbt_dprintf(
+ deps,"%s",
+ deplib);
+ }
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ close(deps);
+ return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,0);
+ }
+ }
+ if (mapinfo)
+ slbt_unmap_file(mapinfo);
+ }
+ if (plib && (slbt_dprintf(deps,"-l%s\n",plib) < 0)) {
+ close(deps);
+ return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,0);
+ }
+ if (path && (slbt_dprintf(deps,"-L%s\n",path) < 0)) {
+ close(deps);
+ return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,0);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((fdtmp = slbt_exec_link_normalize_dep_file(dctx,deps,&pathbuf)) < 0)
+ return SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx);
+ close(deps);
+ if ((deps = slbt_exec_link_compact_dep_file(dctx,fdtmp,&pathbuf)) < 0)
+ return SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx);
+ close(deps);
+ close(fdtmp);
+ return 0;