path: root/configure
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'configure')
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/configure b/configure
index 20fde7a..459e57d 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -815,8 +815,27 @@ config_ccenv()
# require --sysroot when cross-compiling
if [ "$mb_cchost" != "$mb_native_cchost" ] && [ -z "$mb_sysroot" ]; then
+ mb_pretty=$(printf "%-${#mb_package}s" '')
+ error_msg ' !!'
+ error_msg "$mb_package: host machine: $mb_cchost"
+ error_msg "$mb_package: host compiler: $ccenv_host_cc"
+ error_msg ' !!'
+ error_msg "$mb_package: native machine: $mb_native_cchost"
+ error_msg "$mb_package: native compiler: $ccenv_native_cc"
+ error_msg ' !!'
+ error_msg "$mb_package: detected host machine and native machine differ, assuming cross-compilation."
+ error_msg ' !!'
+ error_msg "$mb_package: native compilation mode can be forced via --cchost=$mb_native_cchost"
+ error_msg "${mb_pretty} or otherwise by setting the NATIVE_CC environment variable to '$ccenv_host_cc',"
+ error_msg "${mb_pretty} however that should almost never be necessary; then again,"
+ error_msg "${mb_pretty} forcing native mode when cross-building is strictly prohibited."
error_msg ' !!'
- error_msg "$mb_package: --sysroot is required when cross-compiling."
+ error_msg "$mb_package: error: --sysroot is required when cross-compiling."
exit 2